Back on Track

Posted by & filed under gardening.

After a few weeks of pity-partying, I’ve decided there will be no more of that sort of thinking. I apologize to my readers for having to endure it. I’ve recognized a fault in myself that I am going to fix right now. I think it’s likely one of those things that most people do from time to time, but I think I am especially bad about it. I am speaking of the tendency to harp on all of the negative things going on in your life to the detriment of all of the positive.

I have a lot to be grateful for so it’s important for me to occasionally remind myself to can it and just enjoy all of the exciting projects and people I have in my life right now. None of it is perfect. It never will be. If it was I wouldn’t strive to improve. I’d just lie around basking in the perfection and frankly, that sounds really boring. I’m a big fan of turning lemons into lemonade. The lemonade always tastes better when you’re exhausted from all of the squeezing. Am I right?

One of the things I’m happiest about at the moment is that my classes have been really well received. My goal is to really focus my attention on perfecting that part of my work. Better presentations, original print outs, videos, info-graphics. More web-based workshops for those of you that can’t make it to my NYC classes. I’m working on improving the website so information about classes is easier to access.

Things at my home have improved a little. Where there is tension centered around one relationship, there is solidarity in another. There are people who have my back and I certainly have theirs too. I’m just going to approach everything on a day-to-day basis, lighten up a little and try not to let anything rob me of the joy all of this craziness brings me. I do hope it brings other people some joy too. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to enjoy things alone.



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