It’s that time again…CSA enrollment for 2017 is now open! This year we will be continuing our collaboration with Harvest Moon Organic Farm and Green Duchess Farm, both in Hillsborough. This is pertinent information because we are moving our farm to Hillsborough too, and will be working closely with both farms to provide high-quality, diverse CSA offerings to several neighborhoods in the Central and Coastal NJ region. Markets this season include, but are not limited to: Sea Bright (Thursday 2-7), Duke Farms (Thursday 11-5), Asbury Fresh (Sundays 10-3). More markets may be added in the coming weeks.
The way Market CSA works is that you enroll before the market season begins by purchasing a credit to use at any market we attend. As a benefit, you receive and additional 5-10% to your credit to spend as you wish. This differs to a traditional crated CSA share in that it gives the member more flexibility. If you don’t like Kohlrabi, you can skip it and double up on carrots. If you are going on vacation for a week, there is no need to scramble to find someone to pick up your share for you! Got guests coming? You can double up on items as you see fit! Your credit is yours to spend as you like. Through these shares you have the opportunity to support THREE young farm businesses:
–Harvest Moon Organic Farm will be providing certified organic vegetables. A list of crops can be found on the form link below.
-My farm (Farmer Meg’s) will be providing free-range eggs, fresh cut flowers (check out the varieties I’m growing HERE), specialty food items like squash blossoms, salad greens and heirloom pumpkins, goat’s milk soap and value-added goods. Flower bucket shares are also available for the budding floral designer! You can order online and even purchase gift cards for Valentine’s Day!
–Green Duchess Farm will be providing pasture-raised pork and chicken. Think bacon and chops. Sausages, roast, whole chickens, ham and specialty cuts.
To find out more about each farm, our offerings and pricing options for our market CSA, please check out the detailed form HERE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xx028hhLBxa5CTqJshCJZtoBYhIdGcr9kB5D3jDp0io/pub
Frequently asked questions will be posted in the comments section below! Hope to see you at the market this summer!
Q: I don’t understand the market share. How will you keep track of credits?
A: CSA members will receive a “Farm Bucks” card from each farm that is like a gift card or credit card that will be loaded up with your credit amount for the season. You will get email receipts each time you use it, giving you an update on your remaining balance. You can use this credit to purchase anything that the farm has to offer. My farm will be offering fresh cut flowers, goat’s milk soaps, eggs, specialty crops like squash blossoms and pumpkins in the fall. Kyle’s farm will be offering an assortment of organic vegetables. Green Duchess will be offering pasture raised meat but it will come in pre-portioned shares as it has been in previous seasons.
Q: Will there be eggs??
A: Yes, through the Farmer Meg’s CSA you will have exclusive access to any of the limited eggs we produce. We will be expanding our flock after we move in April so while they might be slightly more limited at first, we will have ample eggs this summer.
Q: Do I have to come every week?
A: No, you can skip weeks if you will be away without having to scramble to find someone to pick up your share for you. If you choose a meat share however, we will ask you to notify us as soon as you know you will not be picking up that week so that your share is not packed that week. You can just resume pick up once you get back!
Q: What if I use up all of my credit before the season is through?
A: If you use your credit before the market season is through, you can purchase more credit with the 5-10% added as a benefit to your membership.
Q: What it I don’t use all of my credit before the season is through.
A. All Harvest Moon Market CSA balances must be used up by the end of the growing season in late November. Farmer Meg market CSA balances can be used over the holiday season at several local Holiday markets or online. However, any balanced not used by January 1, 2018 cannot be transferred to the following year.
I am interested in a share for my family. I want to support local organic and we want a good assortment of food! Thank you for being such a dedicated farmer and connector.
In Unity & Gratitude,
Rachel Dawn Davis
That’s wonderful! Thanks so much. I will email you to make sure you have everything you need to enroll!
I didn’t know about this last year! Is there a collaborative market CSA for 2018?
Hi Christin,
Unfortunately there isn’t a collaborative CSA this year. As I moved my farm to Upstate NY last month. There are CSA’s in the area, including Rolling Hills Farm CSA, and I believe they have a pick up at their market in Asbury Park every Sunday. http://www.rollinghillsfarm.org/ Have a happy spring!