Tomorrow is the last day of our CSA distribution. Whew. The past year of my life has been dedicated to making this farm function, and not much else. I’ve gotten some help from friends and neighbors, and somehow it all came together. I feel a tremendous sense of pride about it. It’s been really difficult. And polarizing. And lonely. But it’s also been a success.
But, being me, the flaws peppered through it all are apparent and I grow anxious to correct or improve them in the season to come.
I’m taking over sole management of the farm in 2 weeks. While it makes for a lot of extra work for me, I’m eager to be the sole personality driving the business forward. For me, it’s less complicated and there is less time being spent on interpersonal relations, which I admit that I am not alway the best at. When you are me, you know what you want and how you want it and compromise is extremely challenging. I can be a bit of a bear at times. I wouldn’t want to work with me. Michael has been a saint and I’ll miss him.
So, next season will be harder in most ways but easier in some.
Onward! Next season will be here sooner that I think. I’m looking for some aspiring young farmers in the area to come learn and lend a hand here in the Spring. We’re offering apprenticeships for Vegetable Gardening, Floral and Value Added, Livestock and General Farm Management. You can check out the job description HERE. Shoot me an email if you have any questions.
I’ll have another farm update with pictures and stuff later today. Hope you all are well and keeping cozy!