Losing My Kimchi Virginity

Posted by & filed under inthekitchen, kitchen.

I’m finally taking the plunge. After years of eating Kimchi, buying Kimchi, loving Kimchi, I am just getting around to making this stuff myself. I spent the past 2 months babysitting two big jars of Kimchi for my friend when she moved and never came back for them. They went into a pot of Boar Belly Kimchi Jigue last night…Sorry, Yvo. You snooze you lose!) and I figured, if my lazy (but still totally lovely and awesome) friend can make this stuff, then so can I.

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So here we go! I’ve got my rinsed, salted napa cabbage and daikon sitting and I’m about to make my chili porridge based off of this great recipe from Maangchi who I think has the best Korean food blog out there. Instead of carrots and squid, I’ll just be adding crisp slivers of apple for sweetness.


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After leaving the chili porridge coated vegetables out on the counter overnight, I moved them to the refrigerator. The next day, being unable to resist a taste, I went it and sampled both. They were crispy, a tad sour and spicy. (but fairly mild compared to other kimchis I’ve had. I’ve got a delicate constitution, you know!) Truth be told, I’d be perfectly happy eating this kimchi fairly fresh with a bowl of rice and sesame seeds. Really happy with the way this turned out and can’t wait to try this method of lactofermenting on other foods!



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