My Sunday

Posted by & filed under livestock, raising chickens.

I woke this morning feeling pretty hazy and sick to my stomach. I wish I had the day to relax and take care of myself before the holidays (Neil and I are hosting Thanksgiving at Newton Farm for our families), but I’ve got a full day of teaching and food swapping ahead of me.

I fed all of the critters in spite of my raggedy condition. The chickens are fat and happy and have slowed their egg-laying significantly. They just finished up their second full season so I’m thinking it may be time to introduce some new layers to the flock this spring and extend the run into the compost pile.

The rabbits all seem content. Salad and her seven kits are well. Sally is a great mom and I’m shocked by how quickly her babies are growing. The reality of what’s to come is starting to sink in, especially knowing that Hazel is likely going to have a litter of her own in a couple of weeks. It’ll be a bunny bonanza here at Jewel Street. I can’t wait until their eyes open and they start exploring their new world.

(Salad and her offspring)

So, I’m about to jet off to my class and thought a check in would be appropriate. I’ve got a vegan spiced apple bread recipe coming up tomorrow for #breadchallenge. It turned out great. I’ve decided to just throw out the last recipe and start from scratch. No sense in making things hard for myself, you know?


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