Work Day and Hive Build at Design.Plot! (Photos)

Posted by & filed under gardening.

Yesterday the gals from Domestic Construction hosted a work day for their project Design.Plot which doubled as a Top Bar Hive build for a bunch of us bee nerds. There was a lot going on (compost building, pizza eating, beer drinking) but some friends snapped some shots through the day.

I was outside for most of the work, getting coffee sack planters set up (how-to blog post coming up soon) and building a new huge compost pile so I was unable to get shots of the hive build in action. I’ll update as more images become available, and of course if you were there and got some primo snapshots, send ’em my way!

We’ll be having another work day at Design.Plot soon to build and plant some raised beds. Follow my Facebook for updates!


(Instagram Photos by Trevor Rager and Meg Paska…click to embiggen!)

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