As a New Yorker, This is Especially Resonant

Posted by & filed under beekeeping, gardening, homeec, inthekitchen, mycology, raising chickens.


Regarding a sense of home, Jenna writes in a recent post on my favoritest blog in the whole world, Cold Antler Farm:

“Those of you who have been reading this blog a while know how much I admire and look up to the work of Polyface Farm, a beyond-organic farm in Virginia. While at the Mother Earth News Fair I got to hear the honcho of that operation talk, a charismatic fellow by the name of Joel Salatin. He does many speaking gigs like this all around America, and when I sat down to hear him in Pennsylvania I didn’t get what I expected. While there was plenty of talk about agriculture, it was really more about our personal culture, and I took one main thing away from his talk.


Joel pointed out that one of the largest problems with our culture, health, and community is how our houses (specially our kitchens) have gone from the center of our lives to a boarding house we sleep and eat at. Home has faded into lazy nostalgia, we’re remember a place we no longer actually practice. There are people who pay every month to live there, hire someone else to mow and clean it, and unless we are asleep or grabbing a Pop Tart out of the toaster: they aren’t there very often. Even weekends are dedicated to hitting the road to shop and go to soccer practice. Some people claim they could not even fathom spending an entire weekend at home: their children would go nuts without activities and events and play dates. Others without kids just find their homes boring, a place that is shut off from the world. They don’t want to stay home because, even as I type this, I feel like the words “stay home” are a stick-in-the-mud’s anthem…”

To read the rest of the post, click away. She’s a really gifted writer who is living the dream, as far as I am concerned.


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