Meet Carrot, Hayseed’s new mascot!

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My friend Patty from Livingston Brook Farm (who you may remember took me on a ride in a meadow brook cart pulled by her draft horse Steele on a visit to see Jenna and drop off my rabbits) came to Hayseed’s to pick up some bees and bring a load of meadow hay for us to sell. In addition, she surprised me with this pretty gal. A Flemish Giant doeling that I promptly named Carrot. She’s going to be a big girl (Probably around 15 lb or more) but she’s not for eating.


This sweet, friendly rabbit will be part of the team at Hayseed’s. She’ll help with the production of fertilizer and compost fodder. She’ll help to educate budding urban farmers about the benefits of having a pet that can contribute to the garden. Once the end of the 3 month stay is over, she’ll either come with me to NJ to join the rest of the colony or she’ll find a great home with a loving family somewhere around here. I’m leaving things open-ended. For now, the gals at Domestic Construction are happy to let us have a mascot for the shop. Look out for a new class on rabbit care coming up soon!


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