After a few weeks of pity-partying, I've decided there will be no more of that sort of thinking. I apologize to my readers for having
One of the Chinchilla kits from Salad's litter will go to a home where she can help fertilize an urban backyard garden and teach
The time we live in is a time of tremendous emotional pressure for many folks and for many reasons. I've been able to exclude
Congratulations EVAN MARC DVORSAK and RISE AND SHINE! You each one a spot in my 3 session online intensive beekeeping 101 workshop. Please email me
I've been spending a lot of time marinating on the complexities of raising animals for food. It's one of those things that everyone has
For the last few weeks I feel as though I've been walking around with a boulder on my back. Money problems, deadlines and....well it's mostly
Happy Tuesday, everybody! I hope you all are as pumped about the new year as I am. One of the things I'm energized about is
There's nothing like a mile marker to give you the opportunity to look back and acknowledge what you lost, learned and gained during an